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From:    Write: KEYMAM     Date: 2017-03-30 04:12:29    Hits: 51601


Transponder key blanks   TOY48BT4
lexus toy48bt4

1998  TYPE A 
1999  TYPE A 
2000  TYPE B 
2001  TYPE B 
2002  TYPE C
2003  TYPE C

2004 TYPE D
2005 TYPE D
2006 TYPE D

1998 TYPE B 
1999 TYPE B 
2000 TYPE B 
2001 TYPE B 
2002 TYPE B 
2003 TYPE B 
2004 TYPE B

1998  TYPE B 
1999  TYPE B 
2000  TYPE B

2001  TYPE B 
2002  TYPE B 
2003  TYPE B 
2004  TYPE B 
2003 TYPE D
2004 TYPE D

2001  TYPE B 
2002  TYPE B 
2003  TYPE B 
2004  TYPE B

1998  TYPE B 
1999  TYPE B 
2000  TYPE B

2001 TYPE E
2002 TYPE E
2003 TYPE E
2004 TYPE D


1998  TYPE B 
1999  TYPE B 
2000  TYPE B 
2001  TYPE B 
2002  TYPE B 
2003  TYPE D
2004  TYPE D
1999 TYPE B 
2000 TYPE B 
2001 TYPE B 
2002 TYPE B 
2003 TYPE B

2004 TYPE D
2005 TYPE D

1998 TYPE B 
1999 TYPE B 
2000 TYPE B


1998 TYPE B 
1999 TYPE B 
2000 TYPE B

2002 TYPE E
2003 TYPE E
2004 TYPE E


1998-1999 ES300 Key  Programming

 Key Programming 1. Insert an already programmed master key into the ignition. Do not turn.
2. Press and release the gas pedal 5 times. 
3. Press and release the brake pedal 6 times.
4. Remove the key from the ignition. 
5. Insert the new key you want to program into the ignition.
6. Press and release the gas pedal one time.
7. Wait 1 minute. The security light will be blinking for this one minute. When it stops blinking your

key is programmed. To end programming step on brake one time.
NOTE: Look for your security light.  This light will guide you during the programming procedure.  The security light will go off at Step 1.  It will remain off until Step 6.  The security light will come on and start to blink after Step 6 until the key is programmed.  If the security light comes on after Step 4 STOP the procedure and start over again. 

If you perform this procedure too slowly your car will not go into programming mode.  If you can not get your car to go into programming mode make sure you are using a master key and not a valet key.

If you have a master key then you will probably need to perform this procedure more quickly. 


Lexus Key and Remote Programming
Key Programming

1. Insert an already programmed master key into the ignition. Do not turn.
2. Press and release the gas pedal 5 times. 
3. Press and release the brake pedal 6 times.
4. Remove the key from the ignition. 
5. Insert the new key you want to program into the ignition.
6. Press and release the gas pedal one time.
7. Wait 1 minute. The security light will be blinking for this one minute. When it stops blinking your key is programmed. To end programming step on brake one time.
NOTE: Look for your security light.  This light will guide you during the programming procedure.  The security light will go off at Step 1.  It will remain off until Step 6.  The security light will come on and start to blink after Step 6 until the key is programmed.  If the security light comes on after Step 4 STOP the procedure and start over again. 

If you perform this procedure too slowly your car will not go into programming mode.  If you can not get your car to go into programming mode make sure you are using a master key and not a valet key.

If you have a master key then you will probably need to perform this procedure more quickly.

Remote Programming
1. Close and lock all doors. Unlock and open drivers door. 
2. Put key into ignition and remove. Do not turn it on.
3. Using the electric lock switch. Lock and unlock 5 times.  (Lock, Unlock, Lock, Unlock, Lock, Unlock, Lock, Unlock, Lock, Unlock)
4. Close and open drivers door.
5. Using the electric lock switch. Lock and unlock 5 times. (Lock, Unlock, Lock, Unlock, Lock, Unlock,Lock, Unlock, Lock, Unlock)
6. Put key into ignition. Turn to "ON" , turn off and remove.
7. You will see the door locks cycle by themselves. If the door locks do not cycle (lock and unlock) by themselves then the car isn’t in programming mode and you must start over.
8. On the remote, press and hold the LOCK and the UNLOCK button at the same time for no more than 2 seconds.
9. On the remote, press the LOCK button for no more than 1 second.

AT THIS POINT, the locks should cycle by themselves ONE time. This means the procedure was accepted. IF the locks cycle twice it has failed. The most common reason for programming failure is because the car didn’t receive a good signal from  the remote.  To fix this problem try these tips. 1) Stand outside of the car while you are performing steps 8 and 9.  2) Don’t hold the remote buttons down as long. As long as the car is still in programming mode you can keep trying steps 8 and 9 until you complete the programming.  If you wait too long and the car exits the programming mode then you must start over. After you get the remote to program then continue on with step 10.
10. Close and open door to end programming procedure.


Lexus Key and Remote Programming Instructions

Key Programming 
1. Insert an already programmed master key into the ignition. Do not turn.
2. Press and release the gas pedal 5 times. 
3. Press and release the brake pedal 6 times.
4. Remove the key from the ignition. 
5. Insert the new key you want to program into the ignition.
6. Press and release the gas pedal one time.
7. Wait 1 minute. The security light will be blinking for this one minute. When it stops blinking your

key is programmed. To end programming step on brake one time.

NOTE: Look for your security light.  This light will guide you during the programming procedure.  The security light will go off at Step 1.  It will remain off until Step 6.  The security light will come on and start to blink after Step 6 until the key is programmed.  If the security light comes on after  Step 4 STOP the procedure and start over again. 

If you perform this procedure too slowly your car will not go into programming mode.  If you can not get your car to go into programming mode make sure you are using a master key and not a valet key.

If you have a master key then you will probably need to perform this procedure more quickly.

Remote Programming 
1. Close and lock all doors. Unlock and open drivers door.
2. Put key into ignition and remove TWO TIMES.
3. Close and open the drivers door TWO TIMES.
4. Put key into the ignition and remove.
5. Close and open the drivers door two times.
6. Put key into the ignition. Close the drivers door.
7. Turn ignition ON then OFF ONE TIME- this will put the car in ADD mode for your remote. (Turning the ignition ON then OFF TWO TIMES will ADD the remote but will erase all existing remotes.)
8. Remove the key from the ignition. The door locks will cycle one time (or two if you are erasing).On the REMOTE press and hold the LOCK and the UNLOCK button for 2 seconds. On the REMOTE press the LOCK button for one second. AT THIS POINT, the locks should cycle by themselves ONE time. This means the procedure was accepted. IF the locks cycle twice it has failed. IF this happens you must start over. Hold the remotes higher up for better reception.
9. Open and close the drivers door. Put key in ignition and pull out. This will end programming. 


Lexus Key and Remote Programming Instructions Key Programming You can not program this key yourself.  You will need to take your car and key to either the dealer or to a  local locksmith that has the Lexus programming software


Lexus Key and Remote Programming Instructions Key Programming 
1. Close all doors. 
2. Insert an already programmed master key into the ignition. 
3. Turn the key in the ignition ON and OFF FIVE (5) times.
4. Open and close the drivers door SIX (6) times.
5. Remove the key from the ignition.
6. Insert the new key you want to program into the ignition.
7. Wait up to 2 minutes. The security light will be blinking for up to 2 minutes. When it stops blinking your key is programmed. To end programming step on the brake one time. NOTE: You have 35 seconds to complete steps 1-5 and 10 seconds to complete step 6.  If you do not do this procedure fast enough the car will not go into programming mode and your key will not program. If the security light does not go out after 2 minutes start the procedure over again. 


Erase Key Procedure

If you need to erase existing keys, in the case of stolen or missing keys, follow the procedure below.  This will erase all keys except for the master key you use during this procedure.

1. Close all doors. 
2. Insert an already programmed master key into the ignition. 
3. Turn the key in the ignition ON and OFF SIX (6) times.
4. Open and close the drivers door SEVEN (7) times.
5. Remove the key from the ignition.

I recommend doing this procedure a couple of times to make sure it takes.


Remote Programming 
1. Close and lock all doors. Unlock and open drivers door.
2. Put key into ignition and remove TWO TIMES.
3. Close and open the drivers door TWO TIMES.
4. Put key into the ignition and remove.
5. Close and open the drivers door two times.
6. Put key into the ignition. Close the drivers door.
7. Turn ignition ON then OFF ONE TIME- this will put the car in ADD mode for your remote. (Turning the ignition ON then OFF TWO TIMES will ADD the remote but will erase all existing remotes.)
8. Remove the key from the ignition. The door locks will cycle one time (or two if you are erasing) . On the REMOTE press and hold the LOCK and the UNLOCK button for 2 seconds. On the REMOTE press the LOCK button for one second. AT THIS POINT, the locks should cycle by themselves ONE time. This means the procedure was accepted. IF the locks cycle twice it has failed. IF this happens you must start over. Hold the remotes higher up for better reception
9. Open and close the drivers door. Put key in ignition and pull out. This will end programming.