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total 10255 pieces 491/513 Page
Order Number Area Time Pay Logistics Payment Status Order Status
KM20081003001 Nigeria 2008-10-03 10:35:30 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China DHL Express To be paid Awaiting
KM20081002001 Nigeria 2008-10-02 12:02:17 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China DHL Express paid Completed
Details  Please login to see DHL tracking number.
KM20081001002 Nigeria 2008-10-01 13:57:53 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China DHL Express To be paid Awaiting
KM20081001001 Belgium 2008-10-01 09:39:49 Paypal (On-line Pay) Air mail small packet paid Completed
Details  Air mail : RR352676262CN
KM20080930004 Poland 2008-09-30 17:23:25 Paypal (On-line Pay) Air mail small packet paid Completed
Details  Please login to see DHL tracking number.
KM20080930003 Finland 2008-09-30 12:13:49 Paypal (On-line Pay) DHL Express paid Completed
Details  Please login to see DHL tracking number.
KM20080930002 Romania 2008-09-30 11:22:21 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Air mail small packet To be paid Awaiting
KM20080930001 Poland 2008-09-30 06:54:47 Paypal (On-line Pay) Air mail small packet paid Completed
Details  Air mail : RR352676302CN
KM20080929002 United States 2008-09-29 08:11:05 Paypal (On-line Pay) Air mail small packet paid Completed
Details  Air mail : RR352676293CN
KM20080929001 Nigeria 2008-09-29 04:48:11 Western Union DHL Express To be paid Awaiting
KM20080928003 Netherlands 2008-09-28 21:47:34 Paypal (On-line Pay) Air mail small packet paid Completed
Details  Air mail : RR352676316CN
KM20080928002 Austria 2008-09-28 19:59:06 Paypal (On-line Pay) DHL Express paid Completed
Details  Please login to see DHL tracking number.
KM20080928001 Sweden 2008-09-28 16:22:56 Paypal (On-line Pay) Air mail small packet paid Completed
Details  Air mail : RR352676506CN
KM20080927002 Brazil 2008-09-27 23:19:50 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China DHL Express To be paid Awaiting
KM20080927001 Russia 2008-09-27 08:18:01 Western Union Air mail small packet paid Completed
Details  Air mail : RR352676355CN
KM20080926001 United States 2008-09-26 11:00:13 Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Air mail small packet To be paid Awaiting
KM20080925002 United Kingdom 2008-09-25 15:57:47 Paypal (On-line Pay) Air mail small packet paid Completed
Details  Air mail : RR352676214CN
KM20080925001 Finland 2008-09-25 10:40:42 Paypal (On-line Pay) DHL Express paid Completed
Details  Please login to see DHL tracking number.
KM20080924002 Ireland 2008-09-24 19:30:49 Paypal (On-line Pay) DHL Express To be paid Awaiting
KM20080924001 United States 2008-09-24 15:21:23 Paypal (On-line Pay) DHL Express paid Completed
Details  Please login to see UPS tracking number.
total 10255 pieces 491/513 Page