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Russian customer order keys from keymam locksmith
From:    Write: keymam     Date: 2017-04-11 23:17:24    Hits: 3193

Volkswagen Passat 1.8T, AWT, АКПП (FEV) ›Logbook ›
 The new key from Keymam

Ost1n last online more than a month ago

I drive Volkswagen Passat 1.8T, AWT, АКПП (FEV)(before: Renault Megane)
Bryansk, Russia

Finally decided and ordered a second key to your Pasik. Suffered from September, corresponded with a girl Janice, a lot of thought and doubt until today. Once while shopping today saw a peasant, who is engaged in manufacturing of duplicate keys, my key)) chip IMMO — shorter assembly. Price killed me and my doubts. 7000 p.

Came home and booked through keymam yourself with my key chip for 1457.85 p.
(Paid via paypal) ($ 20) (8.95 USD)

Delivery — 6 y.e.
I think a couple of weeks to come.

17.10.2014 Departure Status changed


 23.10.2014 Took key

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Price tag: 1 457 ₽
2 y Tags: accessories
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